You should be writing more stories

When developing products, it's important to make them follow a narrative. It's part of your job as a Product Person to make it happen. You should spend time sitting down and writing the whole picture, and how these new improvements will help your users.

If you can't tell a story with your product, then you might be falling into the build trap, when you are just building for the sake of building. You should be advocating for coherence and cohesion across your product, making every new piece feel so natural that customers can't believe it was not there before.

Some thoughts on the stories themselves

These stories should be created before any implementation work is done, and should be one of the first steps after you consider something that might be valuable. It's a great place where to get early feedback and key strategic alignment from relevant folks.

A good story should be independent of the technical solution itself, it should convey the value provided, and ease communication across multiple stakeholders.

The narrative goal is to help all of those stakeholders to align and understand the impact of solving this problem, and the newly open possibilities. By enabling everybody to take action and provide feedback, you are targeting a broader audience than the team working on it.

It also helps you to avoid becoming a machine that ships isolated features. Making multiple narratives with different scopes is helpful in keeping alignment and consistency. It provides everybody with an understanding of why something has been prioritized and how it fits the global strategy.

In the end, your product should be one big story that can be inspected into multiple smaller narratives that makes sense in themselves and together create an even better story.